- Word of the Week
- TwitPic of the Day
- Miseducation 101
- AinThissaBowda
- Barack Obama
- Dafonzarelli
- And You Know Thissss
- Are you a non-beleiver
- Bill O'Reilly
- Martin Luther King Jr
- Sarah Palin
- sophomoric
- Frederick Douglass
- Madam C.J. Walker
- Poppin' Tags
- Take a look LINKS
- Tom Coonery
- AL Franken
- Bristol Palin
- Dick Cheney
- Haters
- Hip Hop
- House of Saddam
- Joe Francis
- Larry Flynt
- Levi Johnston
- Lil Kim
- Malcolm X
- My President is Black
- Patsy
- Perspicacious
- R and B
- Ralph Bunche
- Rod Blagojevich
- Rush Limbaugh
- W.E.B. Dubois
- atheist
- audacious
- avant-garde
- bucolical
- ecclesiastical
- efficacious
- halcyon
- martyr
- meretricious
- ostentatious
- perseverant
- pyramidwest
- salacious
- specious
- spurious
- Benjamin Banneker
- Black Tuesday
- Bootyology
- Brett Noel
- Call me a Hater
- John F. Kennedy
- Langston Hughes
- Matthew Henson
- Ramen Noodles
- Saddam Hussein
- Scrapblog
- The Historical American Assumption
- Wierd Newz
- chocolate news
- david alan grier
- no child left behind
- one hit wonders
Take a Look
As I cruise the Blogoshpere, and find post that I find to be inter - esting, I will post them here. I like to call it...
"Blog Roll 2.0" ~ YA DIGG
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